Free download corsair gungeon
Free download corsair gungeon

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In terms of story, its light but does serve as a somewhat fitting epilogue to the original.

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There’s definitely a learning curve to get over when you first pick up the game. It ditches the rogue-like dungeon crawler format of Enter the Gungeon in favor of a vertically scrolling platform shooter. If you do not want to bother playing this on your computer, it is free with Apple Arcade! Exit the Gungeon does pack a wallop of a punch in terms of mindless fun. Although not as fast paced as Enter the Gungeon, it still holds its own pace and allows for a challenging yet rewarding game! It is only 2D which I am not a huge fan of but it is smooth as the first game. The sequel to Enter the Gungeon, Exit the Gungeon is an amazing game that still manages to reach my expectation.

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